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About DJ Caroline S'Jegers and what it means to be a "Dance Keeper":

The sounds of Caroline S'Jegers can be summarized as uplifting, deep and soulful.


In her musical sets, Caroline S'Jegers uses a variety of musical ingredients, mainly finding her inspiration in layered music that touches the soul, creates space and has an organic sound. She loves to play a diversity of styles from different corners of the world: from mystic rhythms to swinging melodies, from deep-tribal grooves to heart-opening medicine songs and from raw beats to soft vocals. And mixes them into a new blend of unique sounds and vibrations.


Through her Poetry in Motion, she weaves in silences and spoken word, creating a tapestry of depth into the whole. Like a dancing spell, her music takes you on a journey into sincerity. Your heart will expand. Your skin will soften. And every cell in your body will celebrate...

"Caroline embodies feminine grace

through her music, voice, body, poems…

Her tender energy effortlessly unlocks

natural purity and inspiration in everyone’s heart." (Ine)

Caroline describes hersef as a "dance keeper" because through her musical choices on the dance floor, she is co-creating an open space - held by the larger community - in which we can all dive deeper into what truly matters: "Dance and music are my most reliable sources for healing and support. Every time I listen to music that truly moves me, I sense transformation taking place within and around me."


And in this way, the dance floor also reflects what is stirring within ourselves, the big body and all our relations: "DJ’ing is not (merely) about playing music. It’s about lifting the veils between the seen and the unseen, the here and the beyond, the obvious and the mystery."

"When you hear my breathing
as I am giving birth to
yet another breakthrough,

praise me with open arms,
and call me into life again."

- Caroline S'Jegers


So let's listen, I am listening, we are listening...

+ you can listen to older online mixes on Mixcloud here

Caroline's Musings

Caroline's Personal Musings on what it means to be:


We are living in a time of great transition: as a human species, we are being confronted with a deep crisis. It’s as if we are collectively moving through a re-birthing process, (often) unaware of our own contractions. Yet, the darkest hour of the night is the hour before the sun rises… With a deep desire for community and connection, more and more people are calling out for new and passionate initiatives.

The process of birthing is raw, unexpected and fierce. It changes and opens us to the bones. It can - in the blink of an eye - shake all that we knew to be truth. It can also feel like dying, tearing us wide apart, again and again. And only if we allow for transformation to take place, can it show us its mysterious beauty. It asks of us to take action, from a place of embodied presence and radical responsibility.

"Your voice matters
Your movement aligns
Your integrity can lift the world

So allow for your expression to pour out"

- Caroline S'Jegers

Dance, music and poetry are powerful tools for healing, social change and transformation. They give us support and a re-membrance of what lies within... And in this way connect us back to the moment, to our creativity, to our bodies, to our raw essence, to our tribal nature, and thus: to all that truly matters.

So - with a gentle and humble heart - it is my prayer to learn how to hold space for myself, and from there, also for others. A birth keeper is a keeper of space - connecting to what wants to flow through us. A birth keeper is a keeper of ancient knowledge, woven with new experiences. I believe that by gently returning to who we truly are, can we birth a new world. One in which we can anchor ourselves from a place of deep trust and surrender. One in which we can put the cycles of life, death and rebirth in the center - and celebrate the diversity of one another. And in this way, we are all keepers of a new earth. Our lives can become initiations into more love and more truth. And from this place, I am sharing with you my passion for music, dance and life...


Looking forward to meeting you along the way!


Caroline S'Jegers


PS: I was being interviewed on the themes of birth, death, soul purpose, challenges in life and motherhood by the two wonderful women Manon-Celine & Caroline Carey, and you can listen to these two episodes of their podcasts below:

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